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Beekenkamp Plants Vegetables

More than 60 years of experience in growing and selling young vegetable plants in press pots (soil blocks), trays and rockwool. Every year, Beekenkamp handles over 600 million young plants from 1500 different leaf, brassica and fruit vegetable crops on their way to greenhouse and outdoor growers throughout Europe. With our strict hygiene protocol and with the help of our in-house crop protection specialist, we aim for the highest quality at all times.

We work with our customers to achieve the best result: a successful and first-rate crop.

More about our quality
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Welcome to

Beekenkamp Plants Vegetables

More than 60 years of experience in growing and selling young vegetable plants in press pots (soil blocks), trays and rockwool. Every year, Beekenkamp handles over 600 million young plants from 1500 different leaf, brassica and fruit vegetable crops on their way to greenhouse and outdoor growers throughout Europe. With our strict hygiene protocol and with the help of our in-house crop protection specialist, we aim for the highest quality at all times.

We work with our customers to achieve the best result: a successful and first-rate crop.

More about our quality
Vegtables kas

Production to order

The starting material for our leaf, brassica and fruit vegetable crops is produced specifically to order for each customer.
Our raising operations demand the full attention of our highly skilled, experienced young plant producers. And our in-house shipping
department guarantees that the vegetable plants you order will arrive on the day and at the time you want.
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Strict hygiene

Strict hygiene measures are an integral part of our working methods and processes. These apply not only to our propagation greenhouses but also to our staff, our containers and our lorries. Freshly laundered workwear and disinfection stations are just some examples of the hygiene measures we take. Our quality inspectors check all processes on a daily basis and our young plant material undergoes regular quality and health checks in the lab.


Strict hygiene

Strict hygiene measures are an integral part of our working methods and processes. These apply not only to our propagation greenhouses but also to our staff, our containers and our lorries. Freshly laundered workwear and disinfection stations are just some examples of the hygiene measures we take. Our quality inspectors check all processes on a daily basis and our young plant material undergoes regular quality and health checks in the lab.

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