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Sweetlover pay attention!

This vibrant red begonia with a bright yellow heart brightens up any garden. The Dreams ™ Garden MacaRouge is suitable for the large pot size and is vigorous. In addition, the MacaRouge requires little care, can withstand rain, shade and sun, has a good shelf life, a nice round shape and flowers until the first frost! The MacaRouge is a beautiful plant in itself, but together with the MacaRose they give every garden extra boost of color.

Dreams Garden MacaRouge – winner of the FleuroStar award!

In June 2019, the Dreams ™ Garden MacaRouge won the FleuroStar award from Fleuroselect. Fleuroselect is the international organization for the horticultural sector. The jury, which comprised of different key people from the supply chain, was of the opinion that: "Dreams Garden MacaRouge convinces the consumer with its intense color, striking flowers and fresh appearance. Delightful and tasteful red splendor!"

How to take care of the MacaRouge en de MacaRose?

Do the MacaRouge en MacaRose love Sun or shade?

The Dreams ™  Garden MacaRouge and the begonia MacaRose are preferably outdoors in partial shade, out of the wind. They are bulky plants so put them in a pot larger than 17 cm. The begonias can also be planted directly in the ground.

How much water do they need?

Provide a pot where the water can drain out. A begonia does not like it too wet. It likes to be fed once a month. Always pour the water into the soil and not on the leaves and remove old leaves for lasting flowering

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